such a happy day ! :D
Posted on 15 Sept 2011
@ 07:51

comel kn..nk tnyer..ko ader?..:P

hyep korg! wouoo dh lme x BERblogging nie knn..hehe mklumlh..bnyk keje dohh..folio agii..keje sejarah agii..ckgu bgi aq dlm kmpln laki sorg jer pompuan..giler ah! ..mmg xsuke sngtt...tmbh2 2 mamat jht yg de dlm kmpln aq..perghh stress giler kott...kitowg kene present selasa niyhh..hurghh! kene lh hadapinyer.^^
kk back to the topic..actually arinie smbot ari kemerdekaan..skul len lme dh smbott..skul kitowg lmbt skett -,- hmmm ! actually si dier msok prsmbhn tuhh...hehe sbb tu laa aq semngat kowtt nk dtg arinie...kekeke ^^ gedik ann..:P ..hmm first2 kmpl la kat dewan..kak fatieha n ika jdi pengacara x sbar kowtt nk tgk prsmbhn..tetibe bce utusan dluu..lmbt kowtt..naik boring aq...sbelom diorg wt prsembhn diorg bratur lulu..dier bratur x jaohh kott dri aq..haha ! gembiranya ati aq ini :)...hehe gedixx dohh ..n now prsmbhn nk mule dahh...dia nyanyi bkn maenn semangat..nak gelak gkk aq tgk..tpi all persembhn mmg best!..perfect !! syabas ckgu Salina sbb latih diorg wt prsmbhn dgn penoh semangat..huhu puji nie..korg bangge skett..haha bangge? bgoz2...lps abis diorg wt persembahn ..ckguu buwt ptndingann nyanyi lagu tanggal 31..form 1 VS form 2..agk2 spe menang..wait duluu ya...ok form 1 nynyi..perghh semangat giler kowtt..dh der hrpnn nk mnang nie..kk form 2 plkk..hmm okla sorg dax india nyanyi..haha suare xleh blah dohh..pekak telinger aq...haha! lper plkk ckgu Salina jdi pengadil mne agi bersemngt..n pemenang nyer ialah...*dugudugudugudugu(bunyi gendang)*...FORM 2 mnang igt form 1..sbb semangat abess lah diorg..pepepon tahnioh larr(x ikhlas -.-)..mmg arinir heppy ah..first dpt tgk dier celalu..gedixx lagii..n second diorg buwt prsmbhn best !..n lastt arinir mmg best giler..STOP!..tpi der 1 gi..dlm gembire2 aq...hurghh der gkk duke menimpa....arinir kne suntik yg LAST skali..tu yg mls tuhh..hmm actually x lh skit sngtt..mcm biacer2 jer!..tpi msih skit gi nihh..lengoh2 skett..tapi im okey :) thnx for asking..*der ker org tnyerr..haha abaikann jer :P *..k lah..pnjg plkk entry kalinihh..klau korg dh penet bce..stop dluu ambk nfs n bce blikk smpai abiss taoo..hihi..k smpai snie jer..bye2 
jumper lagii di enrty yg akn dtg!..syg korg <3 
p/s:entry nie bnyk prkataan actually n kowtt..hehe sjer jer KOWTT...kekeke ^^

The OrΛnge WΛy
Simple me And i LOVE me :)
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